Tumescent Liposuction Surgery
Due to the ever increasing demand for Tumescent Liposuction in our Orlando, Florida plastic surgery practice, a comprehensive source of information for the Tumescent Liposuction patient is required.
Tumescent Liposuction is a body contouring procedure that has grown in popularity in Dr. Spence's practice for many reasons. The avoidance of general anesthesia and its potential risks, the rapid return to regular activities, the ability to stage multiple Tumescent Liposuction procedures addressing individual areas with minimal to no disruption in lifestyle, and the low risk associated with the procedure are just a few of the reasons contributing to the popularity of liposuction with the Tumescent Technique.
Dr. Spence has performed Tumescent Liposuction on patients from Orlando, Winter Park, Lake Mary, Melbourne, and other surrounding Central Florida areas, as well as patients traveling from other states and out of the country such as England, Barbados, and Jamaica, just to name a few.Schedule your consultation today at 407-999-2585 with Dr. Kenrick Spence at Hillcrest Plastic Surgery. Also feel free to browse through our Tumescent Liposuction Before & After Photos.
What is Tumescent Technique Liposuction?
Tumescent Liposuction involves the infusion of a large volume of fluid containing local anesthesia (lidocaine) sterile salt water and epinephrine (adrenaline) beneath the skin. This fluid infusion causes shrinking of the tiny blood vessels beneath the skin along with profound anesthesia allowing the removal of fat through tiny cannulas, fine metal instruments inserted beneath the skin. This enables the removal of fat with minimal amounts of blood loss and very little bruising after surgery. Due to the slow absorption of the local anesthesia, the area remains anesthetized for up to 24 hours following surgery making the patient's post operative recovery quite comfortable.
Why do Tumescent Liposuction?
Dr. Spence performs both Tumescent Liposuction as well as liposuction under general anesthesia. The choice of which procedure is performed depends on the patient's wishes, risk factors, what best suits your lifestyle, which is safer, and which produces the best result. For example, a mother with young children who exercises, yet has areas of troublesome resistant fat, or the business owner who does not have the time to take off would favor the Tumescent Technique since many times they are able to return to their regular schedules within 24 hours. Many patients have a fear of general anesthesia and the thought of being put to sleep is not appealing. Many have experienced severe nausea following the general anesthesia in the past and do not wish to repeat such an experience.
What can I expect at my consultation?
During your consultation, a thorough medical history will be taken with a thorough assessment of your risk factors for Tumescent Liposuction. This will include any history of medications or history of prior problems with local anesthesia. It is important to be candid with Dr. Spence, as your safety comes first. An evaluation of the areas you want sculptured will be followed with drawn detailed diagrams, photographs, and an operative plan outline. This process will take a full hour, will include a skin tone assessment, and the results must be evaluated to produce an excellent result.
Who is a candidate for Tumescent Liposuction?
In general, patients for Tumescent Liposuction are very healthy patients with no medical problems who are no more than 20 lbs over their ideal body weight. Smokers must stop smoking six weeks prior to their operation and for eight weeks after. In general, it is good never to resume smoking. The more motivated the patient, the better the result, and patients who are on a healthy diet combined with exercise do best at maintaining their result.
How much liposuction can be accomplished in a single session?
Remember, safety first. Patients who require multiple areas sculptured are quite often staged. This will be discussed at your initial consultation. Diagnosis and photographs will meticulously outline each area and be addressed in each session. Remember that most patients are able to return to their regular activities within 24 hours. Therefore, even staged procedures produce very little disruption in their lifestyle.
What can I expect on the day?
On the day of surgery, you will again be marked to ensure that all the areas you desire will be addressed. Small puncture sites measuring 2-4mm will be used with a fine needle to infuse the Tumescent solution beneath the skin, this is a relatively pain free procedure but takes a great deal of time as the infusion must be gradual to avoid discomfort for the patient. In general, the Tumescent technique takes longer than liposuction done with general anesthesia as the preparations are much more extensive and time consuming. An experienced Tumescent Technique surgeon knows that this cannot be rushed. Power assisted liposuction is used to remove the fatty deposits. Fine cannulas are used and many patients compare the sensations to getting a massage. The fine cannulas produce precise contour with removal of specific fat deposits lessening the risk of indentations in the skin. The puncture sites used to infuse the liposuction are left open to allow the Tumescent solution left behind to drain, thereby decreasing the post operative swelling and speeding the recovery.
Post Operative Care
We ask that an adult accompany all patients for the first 24-48 hours after surgery. Patients are placed in a compressive garment with absorbent pads applied to soak up any leaking fluid. The duration of wearing the compressor garments will vary based on the patients skin tone and the extent of liposuction.
Included in your package may be a series of massages. Dr. Spence has found that deep tissue massages subsequently shorten the period of swelling in the liposuction patient. Our in-house massage therapist carries a wealth of experience for the liposuction patient. Patients will experience numbness and tingling at the treatment site after the procedure; this is normal. There may be changes in pigmentation and moisture of the skin. These changes are all expected and are treated with the appropriate topical treatments by our in-house licensed aesthetician.
Although the procedure itself takes longer, patients have expressed great satisfaction with the Tumescent Technique due to the shortened recovery time. Patients have often stated that when they look at the total cost of the Tumescent Technique, it was subsequently less than liposuction using general anesthesia, as they did not have to take subsequent time off work or away from their daily activities.
Dr. Spence's practice is located in the historic Hillcrest neighborhood of downtown Orlando surrounded by many fine hotels, which is convenient for out of town patients or those who simply want privacy for their recovery. When seeking a Liposuction surgeon, remember to ask about board certification, experience, and results.
To schedule a Tumescent Liposuction consultation with Dr. Spence at Hillcrest Plastic Surgery, call 407-999-2585 or request a liposuction consultation online.
American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons News Release
"Lipoplasty: Position Statement and Guidelines" - Nearly two decades of clinical experience have demonstrated that lipoplasty (liposuction) is safe and produces effective therapeutic outcomes. Lipoplasty is generally recommended for patients of normal weight who have localized fat deposits that are resistant..... read more.
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