How Your Hands Can Age
Just like your face, your hands are especially exposed to the sun and other environmental elements. Unfortunately, this only accelerates the natural aging process. The skin on the top of your hands also tends to be thinner than the rest of your body, which doesn’t help matters when you begin to lose volume and elasticity in the skin over time. Aging hands are prone to the following unwanted features:
- Age spots
- Wrinkles or loose skin
- Prominent veins and more visible tendons
- Bony appearance between the knuckles
Regaining Youth and Vitality in Your Hands
It’s hard to ignore aging hands. More than your face, you see your hands multiple times a day. If your hands are a constant reminder of your age or a threat to your self-esteem, we invite you to consider cosmetic treatment. These are in-office treatments that can quickly and painlessly restore volume, skin tone and vitality to the hands.
Hand rejuvenation can be accomplished in a variety of ways, including the following non-surgical methods that involve quick office visits and no downtime:
Chemical Peel: Diminishes age spots while helping tissues look less translucent.
Sclerotherapy: An injection of sclerosing solution into unsightly veins can help them gradually fade and disappear.
Microdermabrasion: A unique polishing with microcrystals can “sand off” the first layer of the skin to create an overall rejuvenated appearance.
Laser Skin Resurfacing: Veins and darkened age spots can be reduced or removed with short bursts of laser light.
Injectable Fillers: Temporary injectables such as Restylane, Juvederm or Radiesse can be used between the knuckles to reverse the appearance of aging “skeleton hands.”
To learn more about hand rejuvenation from talented and reputable plastic surgeons in Orlando, call Dr. Kenrick Spence. Hillcrest Plastic Surgery recognizes the importance of youthful hands as it pertains to your overall appearance and self-confidence. Let us explain your options in non-surgical hand rejuvenation today!