IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) Treatments

If you’re searching for an easy, low-maintenance way to rejuvenate your skin, eliminate facial imperfections, and achieve an overall more youthful appearance to your complexion, then you’re in luck. At Hillcrest Plastic Surgery & Dermatology, we proudly offer patients IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) Treatments to treat concerns ranging from acne to aging while customizing a treatment protocol that addresses each individual patient’s needs.

What is Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)?

IPL photo rejuvenation, also known as a photofacial, allows men and women to turn back the clock with medical spa body treatments by erasing skin imperfections such as wrinkles, age spots, and broken facial veins. Skin resurfacing in Orlando using our Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) system dramatically improves our patients’ skin tone and texture. And here’s a plus: there’s no downtime.

During IPL therapy, we use intense light pulses to treat concerns resulting from aging and the environment, including:

  • Sun damage
  • Wrinkles
  • Scars
  • Brown spots
  • Reddened, flushed skin caused by rosacea
  • Red or brown birthmarks

Your Treatment

Before your IPL treatment, our team will meet with you and discuss how to prepare. You’ll also receive specific instructions to follow after your treatment. We provide this consultation to ensure that you can enjoy the beautiful results you desire. Before the treatment, you will need to:

  • Avoid sun exposure and tanning two weeks prior to treatment
  • Discontinue any use of Retin-A two weeks before your treatment
  • Halt any medications that cause sun sensitivity or increase bleeding

During your treatment, the IPL device delivers energy to your skin, targeting vascular and pigmented lesions and other blemishes in the skin. The procedure itself only takes 15 to 45 minutes, depending on the size of the area being treated. Our patients often combine their treatment with BOTOX® Cosmetic or an injectable filler for more complete rejuvenation.

Who Is a Good Candidate for an IPL Facial?

A good candidate for an IPL facial is anyone who struggles with common skin care concerns, including wrinkles, sun damage, or depigmentation. Clients who seek IPL treatment may be experiencing the following issues with their complexion:

  • Sun damage
  • Dark age spots
  • Melasma
  • Wrinkles and fine lines
  • Sagging skin
  • Acne scarring
  • Broken capillaries
  • Enlarged pores

Certain health conditions, including severe active acne or rosacea, may not be suitable for this procedure. People with darker or tanned skin tones and deep wrinkles may also experience different results from IPL than others. They should consult with Dr. Spence about alternative treatments that may benefit their skin tones and conditions more.

To find out whether you’re a good candidate for an IPL photo facial, you must have a consultation with a cosmetic medicine provider. We can examine your skin and evaluate your complexion concerns to determine whether IPL is the best treatment for you.

What Are the Advantages of IPL Over Other Skin Resurfacing Options?

IPL technology provides a variety of benefits that other skin resurfacing options do not. Unlike more extensive procedures like microneedling, an IPL photofacial is completely non-invasive. There are no needles, incisions, or sutures involved in the process. Punctures are not made to the skin in any way.

IPL can effectively reduce age-related changes, fade dark spots, and diminish scarring through intense pulsed light without ever having to break the skin’s surface.

Another benefit of an IPL facial is that there’s no recovery or downtime involved. After other resurfacing procedures, you may be required to perform certain aftercare or avoid specific activities for several weeks. The IPL recovery process is less extensive. The only recommendation after an IPL treatment is to avoid direct or prolonged sun exposure.

Clients also enjoy that an IPL treatment acts as a solution for a wide variety of cosmetic concerns. While providing resurfacing benefits, an IPL facial can also treat wrinkles and fine lines, sagging skin, and scarring. IPL technology is even used as a method of hair removal for some patients.

How Many Treatments Are Necessary for Best Results?

To see optimal results, you will need to have multiple IPL sessions. The exact number of treatments necessary for each patient can vary, but most patients have somewhere between three and five treatments, each spaced one month apart. Depending on your skin’s concerns, you may need more or fewer treatments.

During your initial consultation, we can provide insight as to how many treatments you will need to achieve your desired outcome.

How Often Do I Need IPL to Maintain My Results?

To maintain your results after the initial round of IPL treatments, you can return once or twice per year. Some patients have skincare concerns that need more thorough and ongoing treatment, in which case they may elect to return more often for additional IPL sessions.

Is IPL Skin Resurfacing Painful?

The IPL skin resurfacing process is not painful. Most clients report feeling a slight warmth being emitted from the device during their sessions. Once your session is complete, your skin may feel like you have a minor sunburn for several days.

In some instances, the skin can be irritated or experience flaking and dryness. Your doctor will provide aftercare instructions if this occurs

Are There Side Effects with the IPL Photofacial?

Like any other laser skin resurfacing treatment, the IPL photofacial can come with several risks. These can include:

  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Blistering
  • Brown spots

These common side effects can disappear within a few hours to several days after your treatment.

After the Treatment

Following the treatment, most people experience a mild, sunburn-like sensation, possibly accompanied by some minor swelling. However, these symptoms typically last only for a few hours after treatment, and you can resume your normal activities after your appointment. As your body’s natural healing occurs, you will enjoy a revitalized appearance, including smoother skin with enhanced facial color and tone.

Contact Us for IPL Treatments In Orlando

We look forward to working with you to make your IPL skin rejuvenation a complete success. Learn more about this treatment when you request a consultation or call us at 407-999-2585.

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