What Can Make Melasma Worse?

Dark spots freckles melasma or chloasmaAt Hillcrest Plastic Surgery, we help with all types of concerns that may be impacting a patient’s confidence and appearance. One common condition we see is melasma, a form of hyperpigmentation that usually affects the face. It can also develop on other parts of your body that get a lot of sun exposure, such as your neck, chest, and back. This discoloration can be bothersome, but can be managed with the help of a professional. Dr. Kenrick Spence can help patients understand what may cause melasma to worsen and the available treatment options.

What can worsen melasma?

There are a few things which can make melasma worse:

  • Sun exposure: This is the main trigger for melasma. Even brief amounts of sunlight can make the patches darker. Be sure to use sunscreen every day, even when you’re not going outside for long periods of time.
  • Hormonal changes: Melasma is often worse during pregnancy or when taking birth control pills or hormone therapy for menopause. These hormonal changes can increase the production of melanin in your skin.
  • Certain skin care products: Some cosmetics and skin care products can make melasma worse. If you notice that your patches are getting darker after using a new product, stop using it and see if the darkness goes away.
  • Certain medications: Certain drugs can make melasma worse, such as corticosteroids, anticonvulsants, and thyroid medication. Talk to your doctor if you’re taking any of these medications and have concerns about melasma.
  • Skin injuries: Skin injuries, including sunburns, can trigger the formation of melasma or make existing patches worse. Be sure to protect the skin from excessive and direct sun exposure and other injuries.

How do I learn more about this condition?

If you live in the area of Orlando, FL and suspect that you have melasma, the first step in finding ways to live with it is to book a consultation appointment at Hillcrest Plastic Surgery to get a definitive diagnosis. Then, you can work with Dr. Kenrick Spence to discuss ways to manage it. Call 407-999-2585 to request a visit.

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