The Secret to a Great Facelift? Volume

Volume-enhancing techniques give today’s Orlando facelift patients a boost. Many years ago, facelift surgery was a cookie-cutter procedure that often produced a tight, skeletal look. Today, however, facelift surgery has evolved to include various surgical techniques for more customized procedures and longer-lasting results.

Understanding the role volume plays in a youthful appearance has brought facelifts into a new era. With age, skin and muscle lose their resilience and fat and collagen diminish. Now with the innovative technique of fat grafting, we can a firmer, fuller, more youthful appearance to areas that have become sunken and lax. And the benefits of fat grafting are twofold: It both enhances the contours of the body and revitalizes the face.

Using the unique, inventive and relatively delicate LipoStructure® method, fat is removed from an area of the body that the patient wants to contour, such as the abdomen or love handles. That fat is purified and injected into the desired area of the face, perhaps the cheeks or brow. The fat is not frozen or stored but injected the same day to promote the best results.

Fat grafting is a technique that is easily integrated into the facelift procedure. A facelift removes and repositions lax skin and muscle tissue of the mid face for a firmer, smoother appearance. But restoring volume with a facelift further enhances the results, and both techniques can be completed during one procedure.

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