Reasons to Choose Dermaplaning

In the realm of non-surgical facial rejuvenation, dermaplaning is one of the quickest, cheapest and most comfortable treatments available. Dermaplaning is a form of facial exfoliation that involves using a surgical grade scalpel. Don’t let that scare you. The scalpel is used to gently and painlessly scrape off the dead skin cells and peach fuzz (hair) from the top layer of your skin. The procedure is quite gentle and doesn’t even require the use of topical anesthetics.

Dermaplaning can be performed in less than 30 minutes with no downtime or recovery. One of the most highlighted benefits of dermaplaning is that it can be used for a variety of common skin concerns, ranging from acne scars to wrinkles.

Here are some primary reasons why patients elect dermaplaning for a more confident complexion:

Sensitive Skin. Some patients have skin that is more sensitive than others. In result, they may not benefit from microdermabrasion or other “more intense” facial rejuvenation treatments. However, dermaplaning delivers effective results without irritating sensitive skin – especially if you have stubborn acne scars.

Short on Time. Dermaplaning is a perfect treatment to schedule on your lunch break. There’s no lingering side effects like swelling or redness that will make your co-workers question where you’ve been. Think of dermaplaning as a quick, professional-grade boost to a common facial.

Tight Budget. While facial rejuvenation treatments can be cheaper than plastic surgery, they can still incur a notable expense. Dermaplaning is one of the more affordable services, allowing patients to get instant results and monthly maintenance treatments without breaking the bank.

Maximized Skin Care Products. By removing dead skin cells and tiny hairs from your face, we can create a very smooth and penetrable complexion using dermaplaning. This can help your skin care products (cleansers, anti-aging creams, moisturizers) get deeper into your skin and work better. In addition, patients find that their make-up goes on much smoother and easier.

Natural Wrinkle Eraser. The act of scraping the skin can stimulate blood flow and collagen production. In result, dermaplaning can be used to improve fine lines and wrinkles. Used on a regular basis, dermaplaning can fight and delay the unwanted signs of aging across the face.

Have more questions about what dermaplaning involves or to determine if you are a candidate? Please call Dr. Kenrick Spence and Dr. Fernando Ovalle of Hillcrest Plastic Surgery. We offer a full menu of surgical and non-surgical procedures to help you regain a confident and vibrant complexion.