Med Spa in Orlando Features Newest Non-Surgical Facial Rejuvenation Treatments

Dr. Kenrick Spence and Dr. Fernando Ovalle now feature the newest non-surgical facial rejuvenation treatments as well as “gold standard” options such as BOTOX® Cosmetic at his medical spa in Orlando.

Orlando, Florida (September 2011) – Board-certified plastic surgeons Dr. Kenrick A. Spence and Dr. Fernando Ovalle are now featuring the newest non-surgical facial rejuvenation treatments at the Hillcrest Plastic Surgery, in addition to “gold standard” options such as BOTOX® Cosmetic in Orlando. Among his most innovative treatments are precisely customized combinations, such as Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) and chemical peels, achieving many of the benefits of a facelift without surgery.

“At the heart of the Hillcrest Plastic Surgery, evident in all our services, is our skill in personalizing skin care protocols using the latest and most effective techniques and technology,” says Dr. Spence. “Non-surgical treatments have become more popular in the last few years, because our patients appreciate the fact that these new facial rejuvenation products and methods give them more options for improving the look and texture of their skin – with no downtime!”

At their medical spa in Orlando, Dr. Spence and Dr. Ovalle offer a full range of laser and light therapy, including IPL, ablative laser, and non-ablative laser. These treatments are among the newest methods available for concerns such as wrinkles, rosacea, sun damage, and other skin imperfections. He also frequently uses dermal fillers such as JUVÉDERM® Injectable Gel and Restylane® to address cheek hollows, thin lips, and other signs of aging.

“Laser technology continues to improve as new applications for cosmetic lasers are developed. It’s amazing what can be done to improve the look of the skin or even diminish fat with lasers in the span of an hour,” Dr. Spence explains. “As the technology behind non-surgical cosmetic enhancement continues to evolve, I hope to incorporate more of the latest techniques and treatments into my medical spa.”

Skilled in precisely tailoring each treatment plan to the individual’s skin needs, Dr. Spence and Dr. Ovalle have become known for providing their patients with beautifully natural-looking results. “I have found that once my patients experience how effective these treatments can be, they are eager to make them a part of their beauty routine. As the technology and techniques involved in non-surgical cosmetic enhancement continue to evolve, I plan to feature more of them at Hillcrest Plastic Surgery.”

To find out more about your facial rejuvenation options, request a consultation at Hillcrest Plastic Surgery today. Or, you can give us a call at (407) 999-2585 and one of our knowledgeable staff members will be happy to help you.