Plastic Surgery after Extreme Weight Loss: What To Know Before You Go!

Surgery after extreme weight loss for the removal of excess sagging skin is usually inevitable.  That’s why it is so important for you to understand what your insurance does and does not cover.  Many patients believe the results a procedure that is ‘covered by their insurance’ will be the same result as paying out-of-pocket for plastic surgery. This could not be further from the truth.

Insurance companies only cover a procedure called a ‘panniculectomy’ (removal of the skin ‘apron’ that sags down the front of your legs and pubic region), they do NOT pay for anything else such as body contouring, liposuction, body lifting, thigh lifts, etc. which are also areas where excess sagging skin will be located.

When considering cosmetic procedures after extreme weight loss it is imperative that you do your research and explore all of your options.  A consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon who specializes in extreme weight loss surgery is always a good idea.

We understand the hard work and sacrifices it takes to lose an extreme amount of weight and it would be our honor to help you develop a surgical plan resulting in a more aesthetically pleasing outcome.  The photos below show the difference between the outcomes of insurance vs. paying out-of-pocket for plastic surgeon.

Case 1: 115 lb weight loss concerned about excess skin on abdomen, legs, thighs and buttocks. Underwent high lateral abdominoplasty Case 1:
115 lb weight loss
concerned about excess skin on abdomen, legs, thighs and buttocks.
Underwent high lateral abdominoplasty

Case 1: Did not use insurance In stages patient underwent: lower body lift, high lateral tension abdominoplasty tummy tuck) with muscle tightening,, lateral thigh lift, and buttock lift. Case 1: After
Did not use insurance
In stages patient underwent:
lower body lift, high lateral tension abdominoplasty tummy tuck) with muscle tightening,, lateral thigh lift, and buttock lift.

Case 2: Used Insurance The only skin removed was the 'panus' or 'apron' of skin sagging over her pubis. Insurance will NOT cover upper abdominal skin, thighs, arms, flanks, etc.

Case 2: Used Insurance
The only skin removed was the ‘panus’ or ‘apron’ of skin sagging over her pubis. Insurance will NOT cover upper abdominal skin, thighs, arms, flanks, etc.

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