20-Somethings Choose Eyelid Surgery at Orlando Plastic Surgery Practice

Dr. Kenrick Spence and Dr. Fernando Ovalle of Hillcrest Plastic Surgery, an Orlando plastic surgery practice, say eyelid surgery is popular among younger patients who want to reduce the appearance of bags under their eyes or to create a crease in the upper eyelid.

Orlando, Florida (June 2013) — Eyelid surgery, a remedy for droopy eyelids and under-eye bags, is usually viewed as a treatment for those in their 40s and older. But Dr. Kenrick A. Spence and Dr. Fernando Ovalle of Hillcrest Plastic Surgery (www.mynewbeauty.com) often see another demographic coming into their Orlando plastic surgery practice to rejuvenate the area around the eyes. Why are those who are only halfway to middle age turning to this procedure? Dr. Spence and Dr. Ovalle say there are 2 main conditions younger people want to treat.

Plastic surgeons perform eyelid surgery, known medically as blepharoplasty, in order to improve hollows under the eyes and in the upper cheek, reduce bags under the eyes, and eliminate excess skin around the eyes. Younger patients are usually after one of the latter 2 treatments.

“When we’re kids, we want to be older,” says Dr. Spence, who has been voted as one of the top plastic surgeons in Orlando 6 years in a row by readers of Orlando Magazine. “When we get over that hill, we start to miss how we looked when we were younger. It’s when we’re in our 20s and 30s that we don’t mind looking our age. Sometimes, though, 25-year-olds develop cosmetic conditions that make them look older.”

Fat accumulation in the area beneath the eyes, causing under-eye bulges or bags, is one of those conditions. It’s not uncommon for a 20-something person to develop these bags, Dr. Spence says. “We correct that fairly easily with blepharoplasty.”

Younger patients tend to have more elastic skin, meaning it will bounce back into place after a surgery, Dr. Spence says. In the case of blepharoplasty, this means the fat that causes bags can be removed without skin being excised. The fat can be removed through an incision inside the eyelid, leaving no visible scar.

The other reason younger patients visit Dr. Spence and Dr.Ovalle for eyelid surgery in Orlando is that they want to improve the creases of their upper eyelids. The crease is a natural fold in the tissue between the eyelashes and the eyebrow. In some people, the crease is obscured by anatomy or is asymmetrical from one eye to the other, says Dr. Spence, who recently wrote about blepharoplasty for younger people on his blog.

“Excess skin or fat or just the natural design of the person’s eye can hide the crease in the upper eyelid,” says Dr. Spence. “In other cases, the crease may be higher or lower on one eyelid. Eyelid surgery allows me to create creases that are visible, symmetrical, and natural looking. This procedure is especially popular among people of Asian descent, many of whom are not born with a prominent eyelid crease.”

Take the first step on your journey to enhance your appearance. Request a consultation with Dr. Spence or Dr. Ovalle today. Or, you can give us a call at (407) 999-2585 and one of our knowledgeable staff members will be happy to help you.